Goozner Intellectual Property Law
Robert E. Goozner PhD JD


Intellectual Property Law
With 20 years of expertise in intellectual property, including patents, trademarks and copyrights.
Patent Law
Extensive experience in all aspects of patent prosecution before the USPTO.

Robert E. Goozner
Works directly with outside counsel and inventors to prepare and prosecute patent applications in the areas of nanotechnology, electrical engineering, liquid crystals, displays, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, organic chemistry, biotechnology, inorganic chemistry and chemical engineering.
Prosecutes patent applications including corresponding with clients and preparing replies to all USPTO correspondence, including Office Actions and Restriction Requirements. Interviewed Examiners.
Experience with Appeal Briefs, Reply Briefs, and conducted oral hearings before the USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
Conducts in-house seminars for Virginia CLE credit, and presented a talk on appeals practice to the American Chemical Society .
Actively interfaced with clients and potential clients both directly and at conventions for FICPI, MARQUES and INTA.
Publisher of three books on patents and trademarks. Amazon links to the books are listed below.